Saint Paul College is a community and technical college with an open admissions policy. Qualifying students who have graduated from Minneapolis or St. Paul public schools may attend the college tuition-free through the Power of YOU program. Saint...
Working as a nursing assistant and patient careaide can be a rewarding and exciting career. It can also be the beginning of your advancement in the health care field. As a nursing assistant and patient care aide, you are the one of the most important links between the patient and his or her medical team. So what does a nursing assistant do? You'll help a patient bathe, use the bathroom, eat, dress, turn in bed, eat, and move from beds to wheelchairs. You'll also measure a patient's vital signs and report unusual findings to your supervisor. Think you have what it takes to go to school to become a nursing assistant/aid and patient care assistant/aide? Programs typically last one semester and you'll learn how to help patients in various situations, and how to use certain types of medical equipment. This course will include fieldwork, which allows you to work in a hospital, rehabilitation facility, or other health care setting under supervision to gain practical experience. Once you've completed the program, you'll be eligible to take a licensing exam that gives you permission to work as a nursing assistant. You may also have to undergo a background check as part of the licensing or employment process. Many people who complete the nursing assistant/aid and patient care assistant/aid program further their education in the health care field while working as a nursing assistant.
Saint Paul College is a community and technical college with an open admissions policy. Qualifying students who have graduated from Minneapolis or St. Paul public schools may attend the college tuition-free through the Power of YOU program. Saint...
Quinsigamond Community College is a 2-year community college in Worcester, Massachusetts. QCC offers over 60 associate degree programs and 50 certificates. Outside of the classroom, the Credit for Prior Learning program affords the chance to earn QCC...
During my time here I have learned alot. The teacher's were always willing to help whoever was struggling, and they always answered any questions that I had.
” – Timothy from Auburn, MACoconino Community College is a 2-year institution with three campuses in northern Arizona. CCC confers over 25 associate degrees including such environmentally conscious fields of study as Sustainable Green Building and Alternative Energy Technology...
i currently attend coconino community college as a full time student. the lone tree campus is a fairly new and visually appealing school, with a small college atmosphere. the professors are both helpful and professional, and are able to create a...
” – Brian from Flagstaff, AZFormerly known as Universidad del Turabo, the Ana G. Méndez University-Gurabo campus is a private school in the eastern center of Puerto Rico. AGMU Gurabo offers over 100 academic programs conferring bachelor’s, associate degrees, and certificates...
Turabo is one of my favorite university. Has a great atmosphere and great places to hang out. In here you can focus on studying and improving yourself.
” – Jesus from Puerto RicoDakota County Technical College is a 2-year technical and vocational school in the Twin Cities metro area. DCTC is home to nine academic departments offering degrees and certificates. The college’s Brewing and Beer Steward Technology program provides...
Doña Ana Community College is a 2-year institution in southern New Mexico and part of the New Mexico State University system. DACC offers associate degrees in 39 academic programs and certificates in 14 areas of study. The college’s Aerospace...
I am learning a lot at my school. The classrooms are smaller and the teachers take their time with you. Most of the teachers there are really friendly and patient with you. They want you to learn and be interested in what you are doing.They will...
” – Shante from Las Cruces, NMWith a main campus a short distance from Lake Michigan, West Shore Community College is a 2-year institution in northwest Michigan. WSCC is home to eight academic departments conferring degrees and certificates in 35 academic programs. Outside of...
One of the things I enjoy most about West Shore Community College (WSCC) is the small class sizes and one-on-one interaction with the instructors. All of the instructor's I've had so far have been very helpful during and outside of class hours...
” – Carly from Ludington, MIOriginally founded in 1878 as a training school for African American ministers and teachers, Selma University is an Historically Black Bible College affiliated with the Alabama State Missionary Baptist Convention. While most of Selma’s degree...
Davis Applied Technology College is a public, 2-year institution located in Kaysville, Utah. Davis Tech provides access to 34 career-oriented certificate programs in six fields of study, which range in length from four to 48 months. The majority of...
Fort Myers Technical College is a 2-year career and technical school on the Gulf Coast of Florida. FMTC offers career training courses in 11 technical departments and every class focuses on developing career enhancement skills. In addition, FMTC...
From its humble beginnings as a vocational school with two faculty members, Lively Technical Center has grown to become a technical and career training institution serving thousands of students from its Tallahassee campus. LTC confers degrees and...
With campus a short distance from Utah Lake, Mountainland Technical College is a technical and vocational school in northern Utah. MTECH offers career-centered academic programs in ten fields of study including a Custom Fit Business Training...
Orange Technical College is a Florida vocational school with a campus situated in downtown Orlando. OTC offers courses in 18 technical training college certificates and two licensures. Every classroom on the Orlando campus is connected by an...
The Warren County Career Center is a vocational and technical school in southwest Ohio. WCCC’s Adult, Workforce, and Community Education division offers 12 full-time degree and certificate-granting vocational programs as well as nine part-time career...
Metro Technology Centers is a technical and vocational school with four campus locations in Oklahoma City. MTC confers degrees and certificates in 32 vocational fields of study. Additionally, MTC offers online certification courses in 12 career...
The Charles A. Jones Career & Education Center is a vocational school in California’s capital city of Sacramento. To accompany the center’s High School Equivalency prep course, CAJ offers nine career training academic programs in the fields of...
Named for one of the original Mercury astronauts, Gordon Cooper Technology Center is a technical and vocational school in central Oklahoma. Gordon Cooper confers degrees and certificates in 23 career-centered academic programs. In addition to its...
Meridian Technology Center is a 2-year technical and vocational school serving a five-county area in northern Oklahoma. MTC confers degrees and certificates in 31 career-centered fields of study. MTC also encourages volunteerism and community service...
The Autry Technology Center is a career and technical training center with two campuses in northern Oklahoma. Autry confers over 25 vocational academic programs granting degrees and certificates. For working students, Autry holds several classes...
oh yeah
” – Quentin from Enid, OKEstablished in 1965, North Florida Technical College is a public, 2-year institution located in Starke. NFTC offers 11 career-oriented programs in Education, Healthcare, Hospitality, Human Services, IT, Manufacturing, and Transportation, as well as a...
The Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations is a college of nursing in south Florida. ANHO offers a 96-week associate degree in Nursing program covering subjects such as Surgical, Pediatric, and Mental Health Nursing. Additionally, the academy...
The EHOVE (Erie, Huron, Ottawa Vocational Education) Career Center is a technical and vocational school serving three counties in northern Ohio. EHOVE offers 24 career-centered academic programs at the high school level as well as 15 adult education...
Uintah Basin Technical College is a vocational institution and the first technical college established in the state of Utah. UBTech hosts certificate-granting programs in 25 career-centered fields of study. The college consists of a main campus and...
With campus a short drive from the Gulf of Mexico, Marchman Technical College is a vocational and technical school in western Florida. MTC confers degrees and certificates in 14 career-oriented fields of study. In order to connect the college to...
The Madison Adult Career Center is a technical and vocational training school for adult students in central Ohio. MACC is home to 11 career-centered academic programs as well as several short-term courses. In addition to classroom work, all MACC...
The Career and Technology Education Centers of Licking County is a technical and vocational school in central Ohio. C-TEC offers 20 career-centered academic programs dedicated to training students for the workforce or a degree-granting college...
Formerly known as Taylor Technical Institute, Big Bend Technical College is a technical and vocational school in northern Florida. BBTC offers degrees and certificates in 11 career-centered academic programs. The BBTC Adult Education Department...
The Tennessee College of Applied Technology Oneida-Huntsville is a technical and vocational school and a northeast Tennessee-based campus of the TCAT system. With two campus locations, TCAT Oneida offers 12 career-centered academic programs. In...
The Washington County Career Center-Adult Technical Training is a technical and vocational school in southeast Ohio dedicated to providing training for local businesses and industries. The Career Center offers vocational classes in Industrial...
The Lorain County Joint Vocational School is a technical and vocational institution serving a three-county area in northeast Ohio. Lorain County JVS offers 14 career-centered academic programs for adult students and 24 degree and certificate-granting...
Originally founded as Southeast College of Technology, Remington College Memphis is a technical and vocational school and a southwest Tennessee-based campus in the Remington system. Remington Memphis offers a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and...
The Technical College of the Rockies is a trade school serving a six-county area in western Colorado. TCR hosts eight full-time and five part-time vocational academic programs. Additionally, TCR features certification classes in Welding, Dental...
The Grant Career Center is a technical and vocational school serving a four district area in southern Ohio. Grant offers classes in 14 career-centered academic programs as well as adult education courses in Healthcare and Welding. In addition to...