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Placerville Emblem Club #287 Scholarship

This scholarship is for graduating seniors who attend high school on the Western Slope of El Dorado County, California. To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must show evidence of good character, personality, and leadership ability. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and plan to enroll full-time at an institution of higher learning with a declared major. Three scholarships will be awarded: one to a child or grandchild of the Placerville Emblem Club, one to a student pursuing a degree in the medical field, and one to a student pursuing a degree in any field. Relatives of any member of the scholarship committee may not apply for this scholarship, with the exception of the scholarship awarded to a Placerville Emblem Club member's child or grandchild.

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Deadline March 1, 2018
Number of Awards Granted3

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Eligibility Requirements

Enrollment Levels
Financial Need Required