Harold Alfred Wyatt No. 2

Oregon Community Foundation

Graduates of western Washington County high schools (Banks, Century, Forest Grove, Gaston, Glencoe, Hillsboro, and Liberty) or students who were residents of western Washington County but attended a private high school elsewhere are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to graduates of Forest Grove (first) and Banks (second) High School.

Applicants must major in agriculture, business agriculture, veterinarian science, animal science, forestry and forestry-related industries, or science-related fields that relate to agriculture, such as botany, biochemistry, plant/animal genetics, and plant/animal research related to food production

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Award Varies
Acceptance StartNovember 1, 2024
Deadline March 3, 2025
Number of Awards Granted1

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Eligibility Requirements

Enrollment Levels
Eligible Majors
Financial Need Required