Autism Scholarship Program (ASP)

Ohio Department of Education

This scholarship program is for children with autism residing in Ohio. This program gives the parents of children with autism who qualify for a scholarship the choice to send the child to a special education program other than the one operated by the school district of residence to receive the services outlined in the child's individualized education program (IEP). The scholarship amount is the less of the fee charged for the child by the special education program or up to $20,000 per program year.

Parents can apply for the scholarship year-round. If a parent applies during the 4th quarter (April-June) service will not be approved to start until the new program year which will begin July 1st. The ASP program year begins July 1st of each year and ends June 30th of the succeeding year.

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Award Varies
Deadline Rolling Deadline
Number of Awards Granted1

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