Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Non Traditional Learning
- Online Classes
- Online Undergrad Degrees
- Combined Institution Double Degree Programs
Learning Options
- Study Abroad
- Honors Program
- Teacher Certification Offered
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1
Classroom Sizes
Graduate in 4 Years
US National: 28%
Graduate in 6 Years
US National: 52%
Faculty Overview
What Students Are Saying
There is such a variety of different majors and minors to explore at IC and if they don't have a specific one for you, they can at least help guide you in the right direction for it.
Alyssa from Galesburg, IL
biggest journey of your life before the real world.
Geeleeyaw from Chicago, IL
Here at Illinois College all the classes that are offered challenge the students in different way. There are classes that require you to give speeches or participate in debates. In other classes such as Genetics, we had to read multiple medical documents and then write a paper that explained specific details of diseases and research we had learned. All classes challenge the students to use their minds to their full extent, without overtaxing the workload given to the students.
Mikel from Cambridge, IL
i think the classes will require a good amount of work. i will be attending in the fall and already have a big assignment to work on.
grace from earlville, il
The classes are difficult, but anywhere you go they will be. The only difference is that at IC the professors get to know the students on a more personal level which allows students to excel more in the class. The school also encourages students to venture off and try something new, so any class can change your life.
Roger from Lomita, CA
Having earned a Bachelor's degree in Biology, adding Chemistry and Mathematics minors, playing for the women's tennis team, and participating in several clubs, I know what it's like to be busy! The Biological Science route (alone) forces students to learn how to manage their time, which is a necessity. Even with the business of school, students will connect with each other in a way where they can work together and help each other learn.
Martha from Winthrop Harbor, IL
classes are a challenge in the science department but much help is available. other than the first biology class, all my classes have been very small. teachers are concerned and very helpful.
Samuel from Brighton, IL