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A program that focuses on the scientific study of extinct life forms and associated fossil remains, and the reconstruction and analysis of ancient life forms, ecosystems, and geologic processes. Includes instruction in sedimentation and fossilization processes, fossil chemistry, evolutionary biology, paleoecology, paleoclimatology, trace fossils, micropaleontology, invertebrate paleontology, vertebrate paleontology, paleobotany, field research methods, and laboratory research and conservation methods.

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Montana State University

Established in 1893, Montana State University is situated in Bozeman, Montana. MSU is the state’s land-grant university and is the primary campus for the Montana State University System. Considered by the Carnegie Foundation as an institution with a...


I've learned so much in all of my classes. Most of the classes after first semester are smaller so the teachers have more time to spend with each student and discussions ensue and are really helpful.

” – Margaret from Bozeman, MT
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus

Founded in 1910 as a teacher’s college, Bowling Green State University is a 4-year public research institution in northwest Ohio. Bowling Green State is home to eight colleges conferring undergraduate degrees as well as an honors college. In addition...


I have learned a lot, but it has been tarnished by a few professors who are not as sympathetic to first year students' struggles while adjusting to college life/schoolwork/expectations.

” – Amanda from Findlay, OH
Carthage College


Widely recognized for excellence, Carthage College emphasizes discovery and exploration. At Carthage, you will uncover new passions as you gain practical experience and marketable skills. You will study under expert...


I am learning very much at Carthage College. This is a small school with very few students. I am very glad that I chose to come to this school because of the small amount of students. I have learned so much mainly because the teachers are able to...

” – Joshua from Kenosha, WI
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The South Dakota School of Mines & Technology is a university located in the Mount Rushmore region. The institution was founded in 1885 to train students in the skilled trade of mining, and now offers a variety disciplines in the sciences. SD Mines...


I have already gained alot of knowledge and it's only the end of the first semester. I'm studying for geology and took earth science in high school so I expected that I would know most of what we learned in physical geology but I really learned a lot...

” – Rebecca from Rapid City, SD
The Master's University and Seminary

The Master’s University is a conservative, Christian, liberal arts university located in Santa Clarita, CA. The tree-filled, 95-acre campus offers 14 undergraduate majors and 4 graduate degrees, as well as teaching credentials and dual-enrollment...


The Master's College has already taught me so much and I have not started my semester. Their teachings have reached me through their networking of other brothers and sisters in Christ and that is just a taste of what would happen once I finally start...

” – Vincent from Long Beach, CA
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Mesalands Community College is a 2-year college in eastern New Mexico. MCC offers 19 degree and eight certificate-granting programs, several of which are specific to the college’s western location such as Cowboy Arts and Farrier Science. The MCC Wind...


Beautiful school, cheap rent on properties/rooms, low tuition but a great program. Champion Rodeo Team, Wind Energy Research, Iron Pour, plus great support if you need help in your classes. Can't Wait!

” – Sonja from Tucumcari, NM