Students studying

Economics and Computer Science

A program of study that focuses on the theoretical and practical connections between computer science and economics. Includes instruction in data analysis, database design, data mining, computer algorithms, economics, econometrics, computer programing, mathematics, and statistics.

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Washington University in St Louis

At WashU, you will draw strength from a community of achievers who inspire each other with their creativity and tenacity. You’ll acquire the confidence and skills to succeed as a professional and as a person, ready to change the world. You’ll learn...


The classes I have taken have been interesting and challenging. It's a good idea to do some research on the professor, but generally you can expect a good experience. Class size really varies. I've had classes with 12 students, but also classes with...

” – Catlyne from Wheaton, IL
Bocconi University

Before success, comes a willingness to learn.

For generations, enterprising students have come to Bocconi to become something greater. We offer undergraduate, graduate, PhD and executive programs to future leaders and entrepreneurs who want a strong...