Valencia College
Orlando, FL, USA


Valencia College


from Saint Cloud, FL


In which ways do you feel you are learning and growing?

Valencia College helped me step out of my comfort zone and prepared me for the rest of my education journey as I graduate and transfer out.

How are you enjoying your time at this college?

I enjoyed it a lot! Once I got out of my anxiety bubble it was an amazing experience.

What tips can you share with prospective students?

Be open and active, Valencia has a huge community of clubs and activities that I wish I had been more apart of.

What qualities do you have that have best prepared you for success at this institution?

I have excitement and readiness to learn.

In what clubs or organiziations have you participated and how have they impacted your overall experience?

I was apart of my campus's phi theta kappa chapter, though I didn't participate often, it was still a fun and enriching experience.

How does this institution support campus safety or mental health and wellness programs?

They have many programs for students physical and mental health including free stress counseling.

Heather from Orlando, FL

a current student here
13 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Valencia is an awesome college. I can learn well in the environment they have created. Their environment is friendly and fun. The teachers are experienced and are eager to impart their knowledge. If I have any problems, they have tutors and workshops and an answer center. They help me learn the things I need to know.
Am enjoying being here
I was scared about college before I started going to Valencia. However, now I know that Valencia will help me with anything I'm having problems with, and they will do it in a manner that makes my education fun and profitable. Valencia is a comfortable and enjoyable learning environment.
Bang for the buck
I can learn so much at Valencia, and it doesn't cost that much. I have friends who complain about prices at other colleges, but thanks to Valencia's fantastic prices, I can afford to go to college. In fact, I plan on taking as many required classes as I can at Valencia because they're so inexpensive.
Tips for prospective students
Make sure to check your emails. You could miss out on something if you don't.
Meet with an adviser before you sign up for classes. Then you won't be taking classes that you already had credit for or that are too hard and unnecessary for your degree. I speak from personal experience!
Don't be afraid of asking questions. Everyone is friendly and very helpful.
Try to figure out ahead of time what college you're going to after Valencia. Then the advisers can help you more with what classes you should take.
Great for these types of students
Valencia is a great school for anyone. My sister goes there, and she is almost forty years old! Other students are younger and enjoy their experience. Some teenagers come to Valencia to socialize even though they're not even students! Valencia is that fun. All ages and all types are welcome at Valencia.

Toleen from Orlando, FL

a current student here
6 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Valencia is a great place to start. First off many of the classes that are offered in Universities are offered here for a munch cheaper price. The classes are small and usually consist of 30-50 students (some less and some more). There is so much help every where. The library is great and has many computers. It even has Mac's for those who like Apple better. There is an answer center that has friendly workers that will answer all your questions. Their advisers are excellent. They will guide you in the right direction and tell you exactly what you need to graduate not just from valencia but from any college of your desire. For each department there is a tutoring center. They have students/teachers that will proof-read your work or help you and no you do not need to be in that teachers class. The financial aid office is great. They will not only tell you if you qualify for financial aid but they will find all the possible awards/scholarships that fit the person best. The professor are great, almost 97% of them answer your emails within the same day and know you by your name and your participation.
Am enjoying being here
I am enjoying being here because it is a great community college. Everything is peaceful and easy to get to. The campus is not extremely large and the Cafe has great coffee.
Bang for the buck
The classes are much cheaper than Universities but are the same courses. This is the best choice.
Great for these types of students
Any type of student will be great here. Valencia community college offers night courses, morning, afternoon, online, Saturday classes and a testing center. It fits in great with all types of students that work or have any difficulties.

John from Winter Springs, FL

a current student here
4 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
A high school graduate will most defiantly learn a lot at Valencia Community College. The faculty and staff here are will and able to answer any questions that you might have, and if they can't answer them the faculty will point you in the right direction to your answer.
Am enjoying being here
Valencia Community College is a great school to attend because it is small yet spacious. The reason being is that there are eight buildings that are close together, but the buildings them selves are huge There is a lot of campus/student involvement from the SGA and clubs at Valencia. The library that Valencia east campus has is delightful because there are dozens of computers to log on to finish school work or to surf the web.
Bang for the buck
I have taken 18 credit hours for the last two semesters here at Valencia and let me tell you it is totally worth it to go to Valencia Community College in the aspect of price. If I were to go to a four year school and take 18 credit hours, their price would not even come close to great price that Valencia charges.
Tips for prospective students
Bottom line is that Valencia Community College is a commuter school. Meaning that you get your degree and you get out and go to a four year school or you have your A.S. degree. The price that Valencia charges is so worth coming here because of how frugal you will be spending your money. I am the Chairman of one of the many clubs here on campus and there is so many different things to do here and so many different classes to take that every day at Valencia will seem like a brand new day.

Joshua from Tampa, FL

a past student here
3 people found this review useful
Academic Rigor
Here at Valencia Community College in Orlando, Florida the classroom sizes are farely small allowing the teachers to have more one on one time with the students which id great if your having trouble understanding something in the class. There are also tutoring centers that can help out a lot if needing some extra help.
Am enjoying being here
I enjoy VCC because not only the small class size and the individual attention I can get with my professors. But I also enjoy the class selection. They have so many classes to chose from it is like being a kid in a candy store. Another reason I love VCC so much is the location in Orlando. IF your at the East Campus your just minutes away from UCF Campus and all the activities they have there. And Orlando's Tourist District is just a short car ride away as well for entertainment and fun.
Bang for the buck
As far as price VCC is awesome. Being it's a community college its cheaper than a University such as UCF but the price is great. And they give you a lot of free stuff as well like your parking pass and student identification card. Getting financial aid is easy also they'll help you every step of the way.
Tips for prospective students
Come early to find parking. Don't be afraid to meet new people thats what college is all about. People in the Orlando area are nice and for the most part all love meeting new people.
Great for these types of students
VCC's East Campus is great for art students becasue they have a big arts program.

Brianna from Gotha, FL

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
All of my current teachers have plenty of experience in their subjects -whether their time was spent in the books or working in their field. They are able to give additional background information other than what is provided by the textbooks and they are good resources for whatever questions you may have pertaining to their field.
Am enjoying being here
As a community college, it's not a party school. But as a first year student from the area, I see plenty of my high school classmates. Not having to start over with friendships and networking makes college life a lot easier. I know that if necessary, I can speak to my teachers on a personal level because they have personalities and lives outside of the classroom.
Bang for the buck
College will always be expense-filled, but attending VCC is definitely the choice for those on a strict budget. Many of the classes here line up with the courses offered at universities for several times the amount charged at Valencia. Many people avoid the idea of attending a community college because they want to jump right into the 4-year university experience. There's a generally negative opinion of attending community colleges; that it's for those with low grades or that it's just not the cool thing to do. It may not be the coolest thing to do, but it definitely is the smartest thing to do for your wallet if you like to think long term.
Tips for prospective students
Make sure to reach out to your classmates and make yourself known. Because all of the students are commuters, I find that the students aren't as social or connected and have their own separate lives or agendas. It's very easy to complete a semester course and not know any of your classmates' names. Make eye contact with your professors. You never know who you may need a favor from (ex. recommendations.)
Great for these types of students
This school is great for those that are able to commute independently, need flexible hours and enjoy smaller class sizes.

Poulette from Orlando, FL

accepted here and planning to attend soon
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Valencia is a fun and happy place to go to. The people that work there are very nice and helpful. The campus is just wonderful and comfortable!
Tips for prospective students
Make sure to attend orientation so you can get all the exiting scoop of the whole campus such as classes, activities, books and more
Academic Rigor
None as far as I'm concerned!
Dorm Life
I'm currently living at home with my parents
Food and Dining
They have a wonderful cafeteria at the campus full of varieties of fresh delicious foods you can choose from and the cafeteria has a lot of space
What to do for fun
Events such as theatrical plays, fashion shows, dance shows, finding career meetings ect...
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Earth day celebration
Great for these types of students
Everyone! there is so much variety of everything that anyone would love it and fit right in!
Clubs and Activities
it all looks very fun I'm very eager to join!
Campus Safety
very safe in my opinion

Sandra from Orlando, FL

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Valencia is a very diversified school. It gives you the tools to create your own path. The quality of education is good
Tips for prospective students
Communicate to teachers and counselors. Make friends and be open minded , you never know who will change your life. Show up on time its a sign of respect.
Academic Rigor
There are teachers who come from all parts of the US to teach here. The academic rigor prepares you for the next step after college.
Dorm Life
local off campus dorms. All styles, Houses or apartments to choose from.
Food and Dining
Lots of local places to eat and hang out.
What to do for fun
On campus activities or local hang out spots.
Great for these types of students
Open minded
Campus Safety
Always there

Dereck from Orlando, FL

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Valencia college is a great college to go to. I will rate it a 9 out of a 10. There are about 6 locations in Florida so there is never any reason to move closer to the campus thus a great money saver.
Tips for prospective students
If you have any questions or need help registering for classes, help with financial aid, anything, Valencia has advisers, an answer center that any student can go to straighten them out
Academic Rigor
Classes are smaller sized about 25 students per teacher. Students can choose to take them online, meet once a week, on the weekends, etc. Valencia is very flexible.
Dorm Life
There is no dorm life at Valencia.
Food and Dining
Usually Valencia is around a busy area so many restaurants are located around the campus. Restaurants such as Crispers, Panda Express, Tijuana Flats etc. Most of these restaurants will offer discounts if you show your Valencia ID.
What to do for fun
There is many clubs and organizations to join and attend between studies. Valencia also hosts days where students can enjoy free food, music, and fun activities.
Bang for the buck
Great college to save a lot of money on. Valencia is now a 4 year college so anyone can complete a bachelors degree there. Paying for classes is half as much compared to going to a University.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There are some classes that Valencia offers inside a local High School called Lake Nona High. It is unusual for college students to take college level courses at a high school but it seems to work out for many students.
Great for these types of students
Valencia is great for everybody. Even if you are a parent, or somebody who has limited time on their hands, Valencia's schedule is very flexible.
Clubs and Activities
There is lots of clubs and activities to always do. Once signed up, meetings are held where students have the same opinions and can share ideas. A great way to learn a lot of new things and meet wonderful people.
Greek Life
There is no Greek Life at Valencia College.
Campus Safety
Students will always see security driving around campus. Valencia also offers Valencia Alert which is information to students who want important information about emergency issues on the campus via text.

Glenieliz from Kissimmee, FL

accepted here and planning to attend soon
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Valencia has a team of highly efficient. If you're Hispanic you are looking for someone who speaks Spanish. It is an interesting college.
Tips for prospective students
Always be you. You will love this college.
Academic Rigor
The academic rigor its great.
Dorm Life
The dorm life i havent experience it yet.
Food and Dining
The cafeteria its really big.
What to do for fun
You can go to the student center or if you like to read you may like the library.
Bang for the buck
Its good.
Great for these types of students
You should visit sometime the college.
Clubs and Activities
They have a lot of clubs you may like to join.
Campus Safety
Its a really safety campus.

Andreas from Orlando, FL

accepted here and planning to attend soon
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
The college is great!! It won the Aspen award, as the best community college in the nation!!! The campus is very nice.... people are very friendly, and eager to help when you need it... I certainly recommend any one in Orlando to attend Valencia first and then finishing you Bachelor's degree somewhere else. Although, Valencia is starting to add some Bachelor's programs, so you might be able to finish your degree there... Good Luck and have FUN!!!
Tips for prospective students
Go to Valencia!!! It is a good school that has good tuition costs, the professors are very friendly and helpful. I suggest you attend the orientation on campus, although it is longer, it will answer your questions better than the online orientation.
Academic Rigor
The school makes it easy for students that have a hard time in classes to get back on track. While giving the option to the more advanced students to take Honor classes or to enroll in the more challenging Honor Track.
Dorm Life
I don't sleep in the dorms, but I have seen them and I wish I stayed there, than at home with my parents... ; )
Food and Dining
Food is great!!! They have a good menu, and whenever I eat something there, I leave satisfied, and I am one of those guys that fall in love if they are well fed, well I fell in love with cooks
What to do for fun
There are many activities, right in front of the main building, with food, and music, and it is a great way to meet new people....
Bang for the buck
Valencia is a lot cheaper in several things compared to other colleges, and that is why I recommend starting here, and then if you want, transfer over to another college or university...
Clubs and Activities
There are lots of clubs that you can join, and meet more people!! Additionally, there are many activities, right in front of the main building, with food, and music, and it is a great way to meet new people....
Campus Safety
Campus is very safe, there are security guards going around campus all the time!! They go around in golf carts, around parking lots and around the main buildings, and all buildings have cameras....I haven't heard of any incidents there....