University of Northwestern-St Paul
Saint Paul, MN, USA


University of Northwestern-St Paul


from St. Paul, MN

Current student

In your experience, what is there to do for fun at this college?

What is there not to do?! I found a job on campus that gets the best of both worlds. Im a sporty gal so I like watching, playing and competing. So one of the best jobs to get on campus is an intramural scorekeeper. I got piad to watch sports, plus I had a team of my own which made it even more fun to play as well. You can play outside, inside, no matter the weather, there is always something to do if you like sports!

How has your college supported your career development and future goals?

Northwestern is a great place if you don't know in what direction your life is going yet. I knew I wanted to do something to do with business, but I didn't know what. Taking a variety of business classes helped me figure out and narrow down my path. I also worked alongside multiple advisors, and they truly want the best for you. They helped me plan all my courses and figure out the skill level that I want to reach. In the end, I am really looking forward to where I am headed and Northwestern has helped my in a really great way!

L,. Wausau, WI

a current student here
6 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Northwestern offers a myriad of opportunities to learn more about almost every topic if you take advantage of everything! From a wide variety of classes, to interesting clubs, the friendly people where who are always willing to talk about their experiences, and even the area, with lots of free yet still educational opportunities to get out and learn!
Am enjoying being here
I really like it here. One of the best parts is living in the dorms because it really is a close knit community where you get to know people in your hall really well. I was nervous that I would not connect with people or feel out of place, but there is so much fun stuff to do and so many awesome people to hang out with! Some people may not understand some of the rules, such as visiting hours in the dorms, but those rules have really helped me to focus on school and be able to have some quiet time where I can focus and get stuff done. Oh, and two more pluses: the dorms are HUGE and the campus is beautiful!!
Bang for the buck
While NWC is an expensive school, I feel like it will be worth the money in the long run. As an education major, I will come out of NWC with a major and two minors (Spanish and Bible) in four years. That does not happen at other schools! I know that education majors get so much more time hands on with students than people at other schools do. True, it is very expensive, but there are a lot of financial aid opportunities.
Tips for prospective students
I would urge prospective students to come visit NWC! It really has a culture of its own and is not like other schools. Also, it is a place where your faith in Jesus has the opportunity to stretch and grow, so if you are considering coming here, be committed to your faith. Overall, NWC is a great place to grow academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally, and vocationally. I love it here!
Great for these types of students
Ready to be challenged
Committed to Jesus
Education majors : )

Allison from Houghton, NY

a current student here
5 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Northwestern has challenged me both spiritually and academically. The work load is decent, but not too overwhelming. I have grown spiritually in just one semester more than I have the past four years of high school. I learn something new every day!
Am enjoying being here
I love being at NWC. The community is awesome because people are really friendly. I also love the setting on the lake and lovely buildings. Even thought I'm from NY, I feel right at home and actually missed it during my vacations!
Bang for the buck
The dorms are well worth the money because they have kitchens and bathrooms which is very unusual for a freshman dorm. I think the food is a little pricey but then again the kitchen cooks with local, organic ingredients. Academically, tuition is definitely worth it.
Tips for prospective students
Try to make good friends your first few weeks, and get involved in as many programs as possible. I recommend Streetlight and Campus Outreach, as well as intramural sports!
Great for these types of students
Christians, those wanting to grow closer to God, those wanting a great Christian community, and people that want a college that is very missions and globally oriented.

Anna from Marine On St. Croix, MN

a current student here
4 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Northwestern is a school that is just challenging enough without forcing the students to do an impossible amount of work. Every single class is full of interesting information and the professors really help the students in their classes to learn and do the best work possible.
Am enjoying being here
Another wonderful thing about Northwestern is how welcoming it is and how kind all of the faculty and students are to everyone. However it can be difficult to feel part of the community if you commute to college. This is one of the only things that I have been disappointed with at Northwestern.
Bang for the buck
Overall, Northwestern is worth every penny although it is rather expensive.

Joseph from Eagan, MN

accepted here and planning to attend soon
3 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Northwestern College is a place that is focused on getting me educated and ready for the real world. The faculty and staff are passionate, encouraging, and helpful. This combined with a beautiful campus and awesome fellow students make Northwestern College a great learning experience.
Tips for prospective students
Definitely take advantage of the free tours and activities offered to those interested in attending Northwestern. You will learn a lot, and meet people who sincerely want you to succeed in life.
Academic Rigor
Although Northwestern does not make school impossible, the professors do expect you to do your best. They have a passion for everything they teach, so as long as you pay attention and do the assigned work you will do very well and still have time for extra activities.
Dorm Life
The dorms are constantly active with a flurry of activities, games, and active resources. The dorms are set so Freshmen, Seniors, Sophomores, and Juniors can all interact and give help and support to each other.
Food and Dining
The food offered at Northwestern is amazing. When I first visited the Billy Graham Center, I was so overwhelmed at all the food to choose from, I literally didn't know what to do with myself!
The college is also nearby several good restaurants and fast food markets, so variety will never be a problem.
What to do for fun
There is a wide array of clubs, activities, games, intramural sports, dramas, and concerts to attend. It is very hard to be bored at Northwestern College.
Great for these types of students
Those who enjoy learning, have a passion for Jesus Christ, and have a fire to reach out to their communities and the world.

Alexandra from Rochester, MN

researching this school
3 people found this review useful
Will learn a lot
I know I'll grow in my faith as well as my knowledge by attending Northwestern, where the teachers care about your relationship with Jesus as well as your grade in their class.
Will enjoy being here
I have attended a Christian school all my life and know I'll appreciate the Christian fellowship, rich community, and fun activities/extracurriculars.
Bang for the buck
It's expensive, but with all the scholarships and jobs available, I know it won't be that difficult. Plus, a Christ-centered quality education is definitely worth it.

Elizabeth from Dassel, MN

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I am learning more here than I have ever in my entire lifetime!
Am enjoying being here
The people here are all extremely nice and friendly!
Bang for the buck
It is very expensive and there isn't always a lot of money that they give you.
Tips for prospective students
Try to get a lot of scholarships, apply for as many as possible! Do well in high school, take challenging on campus as well, it is a lot of fun.
Great for these types of students
hard working students, people who want to be challenged in their faith and in their studies.

Michelle from Spring Lake Park, MN

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Classes are mentally challenging and spiritually based, which provides a more complete approach to instruction and learning.
Am enjoying being here
Absolutely enjoy the positive, safe feeling while on campus and the respectful and pleasant attitudes of faculty, staff, and students.
Bang for the buck
It is worth every penny!
Tips for prospective students
I wish I could go to school full-time, but the focus program is perfect for busy adults.
Great for these types of students
Anyone that wants to incorporate God's word into their everyday lives in a partical way.

Grace from Hastings, MN

accepted here and planning to attend soon
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Summing up Northwestern College in three sentences is a difficult task, because the college is so outstanding. Besides the gorgeous campus and exceptional programs, Northwestern offers the most personable and helpful staff and students. Every person on campus, whether they are administration or the student themselves, are down to earth and ready to help at any moments, making the school that much more inviting.
Tips for prospective students
Students who are considering this college should attend as many campus visit days or activities. Familiarizing yourself with any college will help the process of eventually selecting a college. Also, speaking with professors and administration can give you a feel for the college.
Academic Rigor
The professors at Northwestern are exceptional. They are one of the top business schools in Minnesota as well, so the professors except a lot out of their students. Northwestern is known for challenging their students while building life lasting relationships with them, a great mix.
Dorm Life
The dorms are gorgeous. I have slept overnight in them and felt at home. There are usually 2-3 people per dorm and every room comes with it's own bathroom, a very rare accommodation. There are lots of activities that surround the dorms too.
Food and Dining
The dining hall is exceptional! I spent three days at camp at Northwestern this past summer and the food was amazing. There are several different stations and options. The cooks are so nice and the dining hall itself is clean and well organized, but also homey.
What to do for fun
There is always activities and sports events going on at Northwestern. Students have a great discount to attend the sporting events. There is also an island that is located on campus where students can launch canoes in the lake. Located on that island is a bonfire pit and a beach volleyball net.
Bang for the buck
One of the greatest perks about campus is that there is a shuttle bus that will take the students anywhere, within reason, for free. This is just one plus of campus that makes it so much more inviting. It also have a beautiful chapel that is the second most popular place to get married at in Minnesota.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There is a small island on campus with a tiny chapel, as well as a volleyball net and bonfire pit. This island is great for hanging out on warm nights! Since the campus is surrounded by water, there is also a landing site here for canoes that students are welcome to use.
Great for these types of students
Northwestern is a Christ-Centered school which makes it great for any student looking to grow in their relationship with God. There is chapel everyday and it is a very encouraging atmosphere.
Campus Safety
The campus has only one entrance and is on a peninsula surrounded by water. It is very safe because there is 24/7 campus safety.


a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
At Northwestern, I am strongly encouraged to get the most out of my college years. I participate in athletics (both official and intramurals) and work in admissions as a tour guide. I also have loved the academic side of things and really appreciate the great relationship the professors have with the students.
Tips for prospective students
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things! The more you're involved in, the less you have time to be homesick or think about what you're missing at home! There are tons of things to do around campus and lots of people to meet!
Academic Rigor
The academic rigor definitely depends on the program. Some programs are more demanding than others! I'm a business major and have found the classes to be difficult but definitely not impossible.
Dorm Life
Dorm life at NWC is great! The dorms are huge and you have your own bathroom and kitchenette, which is great! There are tons of hall activities and bro/sis hall events to get involved with. Each hall also has a Bible study. I have loved my experience in the dorms.
Food and Dining
We have a brand new dining facility as of Fall 2011, and it's amazing! There are tons of options for every meal. There is always some sort of meat/potato, pasta dish, burgers, and make your own sub sandwiches. It's delicious!
What to do for fun
NWC is on Lake Johanna, so you can imagine all the fun things we can do! You can use canoes, go swimming, play sand volleyball, go fishing-lots of water stuff! We also have racquetball courts and a lot of workout equipment. In addition, NWC is located about 2 miles from Rosedale Mall, and about 15-20 minutes from downtown, so there is a ton to do just off campus, too!
Bang for the buck
I have loved my experience at Northwestern. Private schools are definitely expensive, but this one is worth it! The small class sizes, academic rigor, fun factor, and community life make it all a great place to grow. It's also a Christian school, and they have a ton of opportunities to really help students grow spiritually, as well!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
We have a giant rock on the side of the main road of campus. People love to dress in all black and go spray paint it in the middle of the night! People announce engagements, birthdays, and other random stuff on it!
Great for these types of students
NWC is great for people who want a great education at a small school where they will also be encouraged to grow in their faith!
Clubs and Activities
There are a ton of things to be involved in. There are intramural sports, random clubs, student activities council, student government, and much more. And if there isn't something you like, you can start your own club!
Greek Life
NWC doesn't have any sororities or fraternities.
Campus Safety
There is only one entrance/exit at NWC, and the campus is surrounded on three sides by Lake Johanna! When you enter NWC, there is a guard shack that you have to go through before going any further. In addition, there are people on duty to call if you need anything!

Sarah from Appleton, WI

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Because NWC is such a small school, the professors have the time to really get to know you. I have some-what personal relationships with a bunch of my professors which is great because I can talk to them about anything - not just school work. I am also learning a lot of things just being in the dorms - my RA and hallmates love getting together for Bible study each week and seeing what we can learn. Chapel is also a great place to learn new things.
Am enjoying being here
I love the fact that I can recognize, if not know their name, of a lot of people around campus. Everyone is so friendly and helpful. There are also a lot hall activities for the people living in the dorms.
Bang for the buck
Even though you will be paying more for tuition since it is a private school, I honestly would say that it is worth it. The professors really want to get to know you and give you the best grade that you deserve, which is not something that you would get at a public school. Students often have their opinion heard concerning new ideas around campus, making you an investor in the college.
Tips for prospective students
Definitely get involved in your hall, including all of the fun dorm activities. These will probably be your closest friends. Also, join a music emsemble or sport teams to meet other people - even if it is an intramural team (those are really fun!!). Also, open up to people - nobody is going to judge you and that's the best way to get close to people that you'll keep as friends the rest of your life.
Great for these types of students
This school would be great for students that really want to learn about God and live around strong Christians. The professors expect a lot out of their students, so this school would be great for people who really want to study.