Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Non Traditional Learning
- Online Classes
- Online Undergrad Degrees
- Summer Sessions
- Combined Institution Double Degree Programs
- Some Programs Requires Co-Op/Internship
Learning Options
- Study Abroad
- Honors Program
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1Classroom Sizes
Graduate in 4 Years US National: 28%
Graduate in 6 Years US National: 52%
Faculty Overview
What Students Are Saying
They pack a whole semester of schooling into only 11 weeks. It's fast paced and rigorous but definitely worth it if you're up to the challenge.
Kellie from Cary, IL
The academic portion at Kettering is definitely very rigorous. The academic term lasts 11 weeks, while the last week is finals week. Basically what happens is that you learn in 10 weeks what most other schools will teach in 16. It is very challenging, but definitely not impossible and a very good way to develop (or start) your study habits. A problem that I had is that I skated through High School easily without doing all of my homework. I assumed that I could do the same thing at KU. I was wrong, haha. As long as you know what you're doing, you will be fine.
Joseph from Lake Orion, MI
I am going to be fully immersed in classes relevant to my major, and since my three possible majors, Chemistry, Biology, and Biochemistry, all have many science classes in common, I may be able to double major without too much addition to my schedule.
Samuel from Bellbrook, OH
You will be challenged, you will get frustrated, but you will learn more than the others.
Put in the work and results will follow.
Put in the work and results will follow.
Justin from Fenton, MI