Gonzaga University
Spokane, WA, USA


Gonzaga University


from Friday Harbor, WA

Current student

1 person found this review useful

In which ways do you feel you are learning and growing?

I am learning to improve my executive functioning skills - time management, prioritization and so on. I am also learning to engage in class, take notes, study in a way that works for me, and minimize procrastination.

How are you enjoying your time at this college?

I enjoy class (it is a tough college though), I enjoy my dorm, and I like Spokane.

In what ways do you feel this college challenges students academically?

It requires substantial time in homework and studying and the tests are rigorous.

How would you describe the dorm life at this school?

That depends on the dorm. I would advise significant online research about the best dorm to fit you personally.

How would you describe the food and dining options?

As is the case with most colleges - the food is just okay.

In your experience, what is there to do for fun at this college?

There are a ton of clubs, a ton of on campus activities, and alot to do in Spokane, including outdoor activities.

In what clubs or organiziations have you participated and how have they impacted your overall experience?

Zags for Wags (my favorite), CLC (my next favorite), Book Club, Gaming Club, ESPorts (new), Chess Club, Craft Club, Kennel Club and more.

Are there any quirky or unique traditions that make your college special?

I like our on campus church.

How does this institution support campus safety or mental health and wellness programs?

We have a mental health clinic as well as a medical clinic on campus. The college does not offer a health insurance plan if that is important to you.

How has your college supported your career development and future goals?

It has a limited range of degree plans - so if you start thinking about changing degree plans it can be tough. Its great for business, education, medical and the basic sciences.

Arlene from Vancouver, WA

a current student here
10 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I transferred for University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho to go to a more demanding school like Gonzaga University. Gonzaga thrives off of the success of it's students. The teachers care and although this school requires a lot of work, the fulfillment will be something to rejoice because this school fills you will knowledge and sets a students up for success with it's high expectations.
Am enjoying being here
Gonzaga is full of spirit and love. Being a mid year transfer student was hard because everyone knew the great spots to eat and meet and then there was me, confused about everything, but not for long. The Zag students could sense when someone was lost or confused and countless time on my first week of school people willingly came up to me to offer me directions and help me locate classes and buildings. This friendliness was refreshing and made this school enjoyable because of the love that radiates from the teachers and students.
Bang for the buck
Gonzaga is an expensive investment but worth it. The students actually care about their education and the teachers make sure their students are successful by providing the tools necessary to succeed. Do not be afraid to apply to Gonzaga because of the cost. I was awarded grants, and scholarships that pretty much took care of 90% of my cost to go to this amazing school. Gonzaga will make sure that your financial needs are met, and remember that school is an investment. Gonzaga is worth the money.
Tips for prospective students
Most could agree that high school does not prepare a student for college. Most of my classes require a 100 pages of reading per week and per class. Writing is ten times more vigorous than high school and be prepared for fast pace learning. At first it will be difficult to adjust to college lifestyle, the freedom and making the choice to do homework or just take a nap, but after a semester everything will become normal, simpler and easier to balance.
Great for these types of students
Gonzaga and any university is really a place for students who care about their education are willing to sacrifice a little fun to pursue to their life goals and career aspirations. School is not easy much less college but in the end when you are making the big dollars, everything will all come into prospective. If you are willing to work hard and be surrounded by friendly and helpful friends, peers, students, teachers, and faculty, then pick Gonzaga University.


a current student here
6 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
As a current engineering student I enjoy my class but have become a bit disillusioned by what it means to receive a liberal arts education. The Jesuit approach to education is excellent and incredibly beneficial, but some professors definitely have a Catholic bias that comes across in classes such as history and as a non-Christian it can be a little weird at times. Overall though the classes are informative and the small class sizes offered by GU are wonderful
Am enjoying being here
The sense of community at Gonzaga is amazing. Spokane is on the red-side of Washington but on a college campus, the discussion and debate create a more liberal atmosphere that balance out some of the more restrictive political views held by the general population.
Bang for the buck
The costs of private school vs. public before you factor in financial aid definitely can be intimidating. However, private schools also have more grant money to help you pay, it was a little less expensive for me to attend Gonzaga than Western Washington University. Also, as a private school Gonzaga offers many more indirect benefits, a true sense of community, more personal relationships with professors, and alumni programs
Tips for prospective students
Check out the Honors Program (for those who want a little deeper liberal arts education) and the Hogan Program (for anyone interested in entrepreneurship or business, not necessarily business majors though) when you're applying. Also, don't be worried about not having a football team, GU basketball more than makes up for that.
Great for these types of students
Catholic ;) Science-minded students who still want the benefit of being a well-rounded scholar through a liberal arts education. Outdoor-sy students (GU Outdoors and the ski-club offer some great experiences and rentals are pretty cheap)

Greg from Honolulu, HI

a current student here
6 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
As an engineering student, I have a full schedule: maxed out at 18 credits. Even after maxing out, I decided to join a few music classes which you must fill out forms to be able to take the class, and then a fee waiver (or else you have to pay several thousand as an overload fee). The classes are quite educational; I am learning a lot. The only thing I hate is the religion classes.
Am enjoying being here
I am having a lot of fun, probably due to the fact I have a good core of friends. If you come here, make sure to be friends with all kinds of people!
Bang for the buck
It's pretty expensive, but with financial aid, it's not that bad. I'm taking 20 credits for tuition around that of my high school's, so it's not bad at all.
Tips for prospective students
It gets cold here.
There are some creepy people in Spokane's Logan neighborhood which the campus is surrounded on 3 of 4 sides.
Don't choose Marian Hall if you don't want to walk far - it's off-campus by few blocks. When it snows, you don't want to walk that, and then Frogger across a busy road between the dorm and campus.
Great for these types of students
People who don't get homesick. People who like community. People who can handle work. People who like business or engineering.


a current student here
5 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Gonzaga challenges students in a way that they have never known. Professors expect a lot and there are few easy A classes here. You should expect to work hard, but professors are very fair and don't expect too much. I have learned so much about numerous different subjects as well as through experiences outside of the classroom. Additionally, with the core requirements, students are required to take a few classes in religion and philosophy as well as some other categories, regardless of major. This helps to create a student who is well-rounded and can articulate the teachings of Kant, even if an engineering major.
Am enjoying being here
It took me a little time to get used to Gonzaga, as it is a very different environment than what I grew up with. However, after my Freshman year, I found myself looking forward to coming back. Gonzaga has numerous extra-curricular activities that cater to a wide variety of students. There is ALWAYS something to do here, even for those that decided not to party on a Friday or Saturday night. The area of Spokane could be more happening, but there are significant fun things to do in Spokane if you dig a little. Academically, socially and religiously, Gonzaga is exemplary.
Bang for the buck
Gonzaga is not an inexpensive school. However, there are several scholarships and grants to help pay with for your education. Additionally, the professors are excellent and highly esteemed around the country, so I'd definitely say that I am getting bang for the buck. Student Life, Student Government and the Residence Hall Association put on numerous free or low-cost events for students that are always exceptionally attended, further proving that you are investing your tuition money in a world of experiences both in and outside the classroom.
Tips for prospective students
Make sure your ideals are in line with the Jesuit spirit. If you are not ready for your religious views and intellectual views to be challenged, Gonzaga is not the place for you. Gonzaga strives to make students men and women for others. If you are excited for that, this is the right place for you. If you've never lived in the snow, make sure to bring a warm wardrobe and boots! The snow is really fun, but it can be a pain when you have to walk across campus and it's freezing and you keep falling. It probably won't be a problem unless you don't have the right wardrobe!
Great for these types of students
Students who are committed to the world around them and social justice love Gonzaga because of the service learning opportunities Gonzaga offers. Serious academic students also find Gonzaga a great match because of the common ideology that we are here to learn above all else. Outodoorsy students are thrilled with the Gonzaga Outdoors organization that puts on rafting, ski/snowboard, snowshoeing and hiking trips almost weekly. The Pacific Northwest is beautiful and further attracts students who enjoy the outdoors.

McKenzie from Woodinville, WA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
4 people found this review useful
Will learn a lot
Gonzaga University not only has amazing academics and a beastly basketball program to offer; It also has faculty that respects its students and cares about their success. Having quality teachers really boosts your education, and the faculty at Gonzaga will put time into your understanding and achievement.
Will enjoy being here
Gonzaga's community with the students is phenomenal, and you are able to have a great social life amongst your education. They offer a variety of intermural sports and clubs to keep you connected and help build new relationships.
Bang for the buck
Although it is a private school with an intimidating tuition, Gonzaga offers decent scholarships, grants, and loans. The experience is worth the extra money, and Gonzaga sends lots of information to help you in the process.
Tips for prospective students
Visit the campus, and if you're accepted go to GEL Weekend. I was planning on attending another school until I went to GEL Weekend and fell in love with the community on campus.
Great for these types of students
Driven, Well-rounded, Basketball-lovers, Inspired, Caring, Above-average, Social

Kaitlynn from Spokane, WA

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Gonzaga is an amazing school I couldn't be any happier. Most professors are super cool and you really feel at home here. The food isn't bad, you get a quality education, and the school really focuses on not just giving you a piece of paper that constitutes as a degree but also on getting you internships/jobs.
Tips for prospective students
Work super hard in high school and keep those grades up. Try hard on your SAT and/or ACT but it's not everything, I was way below average but was still admitted and even given a hefty scholarship from the school so don't lose hope if your scores suck. Also, get involved in community service as much as possible.
Academic Rigor
This is no walk in the park. If you're just looking to party in college and get by with okay grades, go to a different college. You have to work for your academic success. You will not pass if you put in minimal effort, this is a rigorous college. You will read a lot, you will have a lot of homework, and you will have heavy exams. Don't mess around.
Dorm Life
Every dorm is a little different. Look into all of them on the school's website they have a lot of information for each, more than I can give. I will say though to incoming freshmen, avoid the Monica dorm - it smells like puke because of all the drinking/partying and is gross.
Food and Dining
It's not home, but there is a good variety and all meals are made with quality ingredients that are generally healthy and delicious. Everyone loves grilled cheese Monday for lunch it's spectacular. Unless, you know, you can't have gluten or dairy (in which case I am so sorry).
What to do for fun
Explore! Downtown is great during the day, avoid at nighttime as you will most likely be murdered/raped because there are a lot of creeps in downtown that only come out during the night. There are lots of restaurants with good food and historical buildings to see. There are also many parks, I recommend Manito park it is the most beautiful park in Spokane up on the rich part of town a.k.a. the South Hill.
Bang for the buck
As I said, it's hard to go to Gonzaga and not score at least an internship. Gonzaga is a very popular university in Spokane, very much a ubiquitous school and highly praised. If you go to Gonzaga you are considered to be very intelligent and worth getting to know. You mention you're a student at Gonzaga and you instantly have a person's attention here. Unless you're majoring in Philosophy. Then it's not worth the money, but then again, no college is worth the money with a degree like Philosophy.
Greek Life
There is no Greek life.
Campus Safety
This is a very safe campus. Campus Security is available 24/7, so say for example you go to the library to finish your report last minute and by the time you are done it's 3 in the morning and don't want to walk alone to your apartment/dorm/car if you live on campus, you just call Campus Security, tell them where you are, and they will walk with you to wherever you need to go. They even have phones outside buildings such as the library in case you don't have a cell phone or more realistically accidentally forgot it in your dorm/apartment.

Catholic school girl from San Diego, CA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
This is a great campus. clean, friendly, beautiful :)
Tips for prospective students
check out details for your intended major, be sure to go shopping for snow clothes and proper shoes
Academic Rigor
very good with great resources within department. Professors keep office hours and teach classes
Dorm Life
lots of options from small quiet single gender to large hotel like to party co-ed dorms. close to everything and clean common areas. Wifi, laundry and kitchen included in payment.
Food and Dining
food was good they are building a new COG next year and they have fruit you can take as you walk out
What to do for fun
lots of clubs and activities. Outdoor center with cheap trips and rentals. Town has parks and trails and up-scale shopping and theater as well. All walking distance from campus.
Bang for the buck
Great financial aid and not impacted so you will graduate in 4 years.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
They have huge school spirit and the town loves them.
Great for these types of students
white kids... I come from a diverse area so it was strange to see only white people on campus and in town.
Clubs and Activities
lots of clubs and activites and campus ministry reatreats that are low cost and fun
Greek Life
There isn't any but it is replaced by RA's planning activities for their floors and dorm blocks throwing events, that is more inclusive then Greek life.
Campus Safety
This campus was so safe with open walk ways, clear entrys, I never saw a scary little space. All open spaces to highly visable doorways. Stairwells were well lighted and near people. Most places have a front desk staff.

Julia from Spokane, WA

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The teachers make sure to come in any time to meet with you if you are having trouble, even if it doesn't relate to class. They are very understanding and will work with you in order to help you succeed.
Am enjoying being here
Everyone is extremely friendly and happy to be here. And everyone who comes here absolutely loves it. People are very accepting and it is very easy to get involved and be yourself. There are clubs for everything and a place for everyone to participate in the the things they love.
Bang for the buck
It is really expensive, but what college isnt these days. You definately will get an amazing quality education. The teachers realize you're paying a lot of money so they'll work with you to make sure you're learning and getting the best education you can in order to make the price worth it. There are a lot of scholarship opportunities which make it a lot easier too.
Tips for prospective students
Be very open to try new things because you'll never know what you'll end up liking. Be very friendly and you will find out you'll have too many friends to count. KEEP UP ON COLLEGE BASKETBALL! The student section is ranked as the third best student sections in the nation. Games are amazing and you'll be amazed at how intense they can get, and how easily the hype will suck you in! The McCarthy Athletic Center is said to be one of the toughest places for the visitors to play in the country because of the amazing support from the students and all of Spokane. Do your research as to what has to be in the application because this school is very selective, you have to really want it to get in, and once you do you'll be glad you applied. Spend time on the essays and make sure they're the best they can be. Spend a lot of time looking for scholarships and apply early!!!!! It is amazing how much a scholarship can help and how much relief it provides, because it's that much less money you have to pay off in the future! And relax! Everything will fall into place so don't worry about everything too much.
Great for these types of students
basketball fans, people that love the outdoors, someone who wants to find their place in the world, someone who wants to make friends, someone who loves life and enjoys themselves, people who don't mind living in a place that feels like a small town. Spokane is big but people who like huge cities like Seattle, LA, New York, and other large cities would think this place is too small.


a current student here
2 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
My classes have challenged me to think critically and to view the world in new ways. I have developed a passion for knowledge and a thirst for social justice. I am challenged daily by the people around me which has led to exponential personal and spiritual growth.
Am enjoying being here
In essence, Gonzaga means community. You can't go anywhere on campus without seeing a smiling face and a wave hello. Everyone on campus is friendly and helpful and there is an incredible sense of Gonzaga pride.
Bang for the buck
While expensive, Gonzaga gives out great scholarships to students with academic excellence. For me, going to GU ended up being slightly less expensive than going to a state university.
Tips for prospective students
Take advantage of the plethora of clubs, activities, events, retreats, and academic services offered at Gonzaga. Don't forget to bring a winter jacket and snow boots!
Great for these types of students
Gonzaga is the school for you if you:
1) Love to be active. Almost everyone participates in intramural sports--we are a fit campus!
2) Love the outdoors. We have many lakes and mountains nearby.
3) Want small classes and a sense of community.
4) Want to be challenged and experience personal growth.
5) Love being a basketball fan.

Alexa from Haiku, HI

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The classes are small enough, but not too small. You really develop strong relationships with your professors and fellow classmates, and rarely do you walk out of class with that feeling of well that was a waste, I might as well have slept in.
Am enjoying being here
Most of the people are down to earth and super outgoing and friendly. Plus, the majority of students ACTUALLY want to be there and are there for a similar purpose.
Bang for the buck
They nickle-and-dime you a lot, but what school doesn't in this economy. For me, going to Gonzaga will be worth the pile of student loans I am currently accumulating.
Tips for prospective students
Just go in with an open-mind to fully embrace the Gonzaga experience. Get involved, seriously, it's the best way to meet a ton of people!!!
Great for these types of students
If you want to go to a college where you'll have a good balance between academics and social life, Gonzaga is the school for you!