Framingham State University
Framingham, MA, USA


Framingham State University


from Newton, MA

Current student

In which ways do you feel you are learning and growing?

I learned academically from my professors and socially from my peers and the connections I made there

How are you enjoying your time at this college?

I enjoyed doing homework at the library and sitting with my friends on the quads

What tips can you share with prospective students?

I'd recommend this school to students entering the healthcare field. If you intend to study nutrition, biology, or biochemistry, this school can help you reach your goals. Many alumni work as nutritionists or work in biotech.

What qualities do you have that have best prepared you for success at this institution?

Time management and being able to ask my professors for help when I need it

In what ways do you feel this college challenges students academically?

Some of the students here are from low-income backgrounds who have not been pushed at school before, and this school helps them

How would you describe the dorm life at this school?

The RA's, especially at Miles Bibb, are very friendly and willing to help. Socially, parties aren't allowed. Most people leave on weekends

How would you describe the food and dining options?

There is one dining hall and four smaller places to eat (Sandella's, Red Barn, The Grill, and Dunkin Donuts). The dining hall is open for most of the day on weekdays, but, on weekends, it is open for a very short time and serves only breakfast food. The smaller places to eat aren't open on weekends and have limited hours on weekdays.

In your experience, what is there to do for fun at this college?

Since parties aren't allowed on campus, people who want to have fun get creative. People take walks, get coffee, or go into Boston together.

Athletes have parties occasionally at houses off campus, but it's hard to get in--even as a girl--unless you're an athlete or have friends who are athletes. However, most students are commuters and go onto campus only for a class.

In what clubs or organiziations have you participated and how have they impacted your overall experience?

I participated in The Gatepost, the student newspaper, for two weeks. The people there were nice and had a great community, but it just wasn't for me because I didn't like how they posted all their articles in one day, which meant that they spent the whole night on Thursday writing and posting. I did not want to sacrifice my time that way

How does this institution support campus safety or mental health and wellness programs?

To support campus safety, there is a visible police presence and a total prohibition of alcohol (even for people 21 and older), and any parties that manage to come about in or near dorms get busted very quickly.

You also have to check in your ID every time you enter your residence hall, and you're only allowed to bring a maximum of three guests into your room.

To support mental health, there is a counseling center.

How has your college supported your career development and future goals?

My advisor has pushed me to be more proactive about choosing a major, which I appreciate.

Lauren from Wrentham, MA

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The professors here are great. They are extremely willing to help you out if you ever need help. They want you to succeed, and they will do anything they can if you just ask.
Am enjoying being here
The campus is gorgeous, but can sometimes be dull. Get involved and you won't have any problems!
Bang for the buck
You get a lot out of paying very little. All four years at FSC is equivilant to one year at a big name school!
Tips for prospective students
Get involved. You get what you put in to the experience.

Deserai from Providence, RI

accepted here and planning to attend soon
3 people found this review useful
Will learn a lot
You can learn a lot from where ever you go as long as you put in the effort. Framingham provides the means, you have to provide the ends for yourself.
Will enjoy being here
The people at Framingham are both friendly and welcoming. As a first year student, it can be hard to adjust to an unfamiliar environment. A person who is willing to say hello, invite you to a gathering, or give you directions to where you need to go can be helpful in that adjustment. In order to help students adjust to college life, the college provides a first year experience housing program in which resident students participate in various activities with other first year students. Aside from a friendly welcome, there are plenty of on campus activities, restaurants nearby for good eating, and a mall not to far away for hanging out with friends.
Tips for prospective students
Framingham is charming. The campus is small and quaint, it gives off a comfortable feeling. The college itself is small which allows students to get to know teachers, counselors, and other students on a more personal level and receive the academic attention and guidance that is important for first year students. When I visited, the people I met were friendly and I felt as if they were good friends of mine as opposed to strangers I had just met. If you are interested in Framingham visit the website at, call them, or visit the campus. It's always good to get the feel of a college for yourself as opposed to hear others rave or rag about it.
Great for these types of students
I think Framingham is great for students who want to be out of state but are not ready to take the huge step to attend a large institution. Since the campus is kind of small, it makes it easier to get to classes and find places you need to go. Here, you can learn the do's and don't s of college life on your own but pay less for the consequences. Tuition for out of state students is about $20,000 a year. The school caters more to students who want to become teachers and students majoring in communications.

Steph from Northborough, MA

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
FSU is a small school that focuses on getting students to their next goal, whether it be a career or grad school, etc. Commuters are often forgotten and the parking situation can be like the Hunger Games. Individual programs can be tight knit and you get to know the students in your classes.
Tips for prospective students
Transfer students: GET INVOLVED! It is the only way to make friends/get to know people after everyone seems to have their core group of friends made up. People are friendly but you have to be open to them.
Academic Rigor
Classes were no harder than my high school courses in the beginning, and not much harder as they progressed. Minimal time spent on homework.
Dorm Life
I commute.
Food and Dining
Comm caf has great snacks (at cheaper prices than a convenience store) and a really good grille for unhealthy, but delicious!, food.
What to do for fun
There's a mall and movie theater close enough if you have a car. The school provides a shuttle for a fee. Many chain bars are also in the area if you're of age.
Bang for the buck
Definitely worth the money. You're getting a good education for the cheapest price in MA.
Great for these types of students
People who want to keep their heads down and get their degree without much fuss.
Campus Safety
There have been outside incidents involving people from the town coming onto campus with weapons but the CamPo have a great messaging system that calls and texts alerts to all students.

Erica from Bellingham, MA

a current student here
1 person found this review useful
Tips for prospective students
be diligent your first semester
What to do for fun
there are clubs for everything you can imagine and many opportunity's to start your own club
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
the old trees on the quad best study places on a sunny day!
Great for these types of students
Campus Safety
campus police are always available and diligent

Amber from West Wareham, MA

a current student here
1 person found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Framingham has some of the best teachers I've ever had. Some are rather quirky, but others are truly brilliant! You not only trust most of them as a teacher, but also as a person.
Am enjoying being here
There's always something fun happening on campus. Groups have events each week and month. There's something here for everyone!
Bang for the buck
Framingham has just risen from the cheapest, to the second cheapest state school in Massachusetts. The campus is truly beautiful and the dorms are better than expected. The education is just as good as any prestigious institution.
Tips for prospective students
Framingham is great! The food is amazing, but of course you may get tired of eating it every single day. The commuter cafe has amazing food and so many options. Join a group or create one! They're fun and you make lots of friends! Try dorming, you might meet your best friend. Utilize all the resources available on campus for help!
Great for these types of students
This campus is small and quaint. It is perfect for people who like to surround themselves with pretty scenery. The campus is like a small park in the middle of a city. Just outside of campus is everything you could possibly need. There are so many stores and restaurants to choose from. The Natick Mall is amazing!

Chanel from Methuen, MA

a current student here
0 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The professors are definitely one of my favorite parts of the university. They are amazing and genuinely dedicated to teaching you something and helping you get the grade you deserve. There are tons of tutors available for free just about anytime of the day and evening. There is no reason for not succeeding academically at FSU if you are a dedicated hardworking student.
Am enjoying being here
The school is small and it is easier to make connections with professors and students for the most part but because of it's small size there are also many cliques. If you did not form your clique at the beginning of the year it isn't so easy to find your place half way through. The campus is also pretty dull much of the time. There re plenty of clubs and student activities but there is not much to do once the weekend comes.
Bang for the buck
From every college I applied to during my senior year of high school FSU was the most affordable. For MA residents it is no more than $15,000 per year. I have a single dorm and my full tuition is still a bit below $15000.
Tips for prospective students
1. Be sure to make friends at the beginning of year first year
2. Get involved!!!!
3. Utilize all of the academic help resources and the amazing library
4. Connect with your professors
5. Get into the swing of college life for a good month or two before seeking a part time job. Starting college can be overwhelming and trying to get the hang of it while working can be very stressful.
6. There are cheaper means of getting your books and supplies than the school store. Seek them!
Great for these types of students
The only department I know enough about it the fashion design and retailing mayor. At FSU you learn not only the design and construction aspect of fashion, but also the business side of it.