University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
Norman, OK, USA


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Key Admission Stats

Institution Type
  • Coed

Need Blind

This school does not consider an applicant’s financial situation when deciding admission

Level of Institution
4 Year
Campus Setting
Suburb or town
Acceptance Rate
Students Applied
Transfer Acceptance Rate
Transfer Students Admitted

Admissions Requirements

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SAT Subject Tests
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AP Course Credit
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Dual Enrollment
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Important Deadlines

Application TypeApplication DeadlineReply Deadline
Early Action Acceptance is not binding, but student will receive admissions decision earlier.November 1
Fall Regular DecisionFebruary 1June 1
Spring Regular DecisionNovember 1
Summer Application Deadline
March 1
Test Optional
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Application Fee
Fee waivers available
Rolling Admissions
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Admitted Student Stats

In-State Students
Out-Of-State Students
US States Represented
Countries Represented
Submitting ACT
Submitting SAT
Average ACT Composite: 26
Average SAT Composite: 1236
SAT Percentiles

Average GPA
Students Enrolled By GPA

3.50 - 3.74
3.25 - 3.49
3.00 - 3.24
2.50 - 2.99
Students Enrolled By Class Rank

Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Students Enrolled By Household Income

< $30k
$30k - $48k
$48k - $75k
$75k - $110k

Admissions Resources

Admissions: visit page
Admissions Email: [email protected]
Admissions Telephone: 405-325-2151
For International Student Services: visit page
For Students with Disabilities: visit page
For Veteran Services: visit page

What Students Are Saying

**Learn your study skills now, trust me it will help. You have to study smart to make the grade.
**Make a plan that will help you keep from procrastinating.
**Try to move into your dorm at least two weeks or a week-and-half before school. Don't wait the day before class to move in or you wont know where to go.
**A college tour is helpful
**When you know what your classes are, go at least two or three days before class begins and walk around campus to find your classes, how long it will take you to get to them, and to learn the lay of the land. Trust me this helped me tremendously. Do this at least twice. .
**Try to find the quickest way to get to your classes.
**Make sure you know where the library is and the open/close time. I think it closes at 2 a.m. some days.
**Make sure you know where the Bursar Office is.
**You should acquire a bank account.
**Make sure you learn how to take the bus around campus. You have to get a sticker on the back of your ID card to be able to ride for free. Make sure to get a bus schedule and find out where the bus office is. Some buses like the Lloyd Noble Shuttle are free for everyone
**Make sure you know where the housing office is(Walker Tower, 1st Floor) and where the bathrooms and laundry rooms are located in the dorms.
**Explore all the dorms. There is a kitchen somewhere in Couch. I think 2nd or 3rd floor.
**Walker-Adams Mall is between the space between the Walker and Adams dorms.
**Make sure you learn your streets and how to get to Walmart.
**Make sure you know where all the major offices are and where the restaurants around campus are.
**Make sure you know about the apartment buildings policies and prices before you move in.
**Also, know that move in day is crazy. Depending on when you move in, there are going to be so people on move-in day so make sure you aren't claustrophobic.
**Make sure you know where the campus stores are so that you will know where to get your books.
**Make sure you lea...
Jayla from Tulsa, OK
I think it would be very helpful if you came on a campus tour. It will really show you everything OU has to offer and you will be able to walk around campus and see where your potential classes might be. Also, start applying for financial aid and scholarships early! If you wait until the last minuet, there won't be anything left! Good luck with your senior year of high school and BOOMER SOONER!
Elle from Oklahoma City, OK
Keep grades high make sure your grades are high enough to start in your major's plan. (i.e. math for engineering) look it up on the website. you do not want to start behind
Tonya from Pampa, TX
GO TO THE ACTIVITIES THEY HAVE SET UP FOR YOU!!! I HIGHLY recommend the camp they put on for incoming freshman the summer before entry. I found my two best friends at the Sooner session of the camp, made a lot of other friends, learned my way around the campus, and started to feel at home, not to mention had a BLAST! Howdy Week is their form of a welcome week. The activities here are so fun, the counselors are SUPER friendly and you learn a lot about college and the campus. Also, if you are having a hard time in a class there's tutoring available for EVER SINGLE class. If you need help, just look for it, its there.
Samantha from Lewisville, TX
Some of the most helpful tips I received as a freshman are to be prompt, go to class, learn to study, get help from tutors or professors, sleep and most importantly get connected with groups to make lifelong friends. It is crucial to attend classes, after all you paid for these classes. With class attendance comes promptness. If you are going to go through the trouble of attending class in the first place, you might as well try to get the most out of it. Going to class is the first step, the second step is learning how to study. Different people have different methods of studying, but it is crucial to learn how to study before an exam. That does not mean to cram the night before; instead, studying means pacing yourself, focusing and making a plan on how you are going to tackle the subject. If you stumble upon any questions, it is best to take note of it and ask the professor or a tutor for help. Professors are willingly to provide you with offices hours, or hours they set aside to help their students, so it is to your advantage to use it wisely. There are Action Center tutors that are available almost 24 hours a day to provide you with one-on-one tutoring on any subject. However, in order to study right, it is vital to obtain a decent amount of sleep every night. Sleep helps you retain the facts and process the information correctly. Without sleep, your health will gradually deteriorate, and studying will become futile. Most importantly, make friends. At first college may seem daunting, but if you have the right group of friends, from organizations or clubs, the transition to becoming an adult will become more fun.
Julia from Edmond, OK
**Go on a college visit!
-Look around for optimal study spots for you. I like quiet spots, but I also prefer studying in small groups. The library, dorm towers, etc. have study rooms available for you.
-If you already have a major in mind, schedule an appointment with the advisor or department head after your campus tour. They are very accommodating if you schedule ahead of time. This gives you a good idea of what you can expect within the next few years.
After talking to a department head, try to speak with a student in your prospective major and get a tour of the your specific department's building. The general campus tour does not often cover this.
**Research the school ahead of time! Come up with a list of questions to ask so you'll be ready when you actually go to the campus.
**Eat at the Couch Restaurants (the Caf)! You can taste the delicious food you'll most likely be eating every day. (This added to my deciding factor to attend OU!)
**Visit the library
Marissa from Pacifica, CA
Keep your grades up there and join as many extracurricular activities as possible. Apply for scholarships, especially if you are out of state, and make sure you visit the campus if you are offered the opportunity.
Siobhan from El Paso, TX
Stay on top of your work, don't put things off until the day before they are due. Along with that, study every day. Look over your notes once a day or so and devote more time than you think will be necessary to studying. That way, you can go into tests confident. Also, stay organized, it's all too easy to lose assignments. Make time for fun, otherwise you'll get burnt out and stressed. Have fun with friends and get involved on campus! The events and clubs are so awesome! Lastly, drop your cool. The people here are kind and accepting. A huge part of college is forging lasting friendships with people who like you for who you really are.
Brianna from Frisco, TX
The biggest secret to college is time management and hard work. In most classes you are not going to get an A by doing the minimum. Professors expect you to work for your grade. Free points for attendance and homework and bonus are rarely give in college, so take advantage of them when they are. Always attend class because you never know what you might miss that day. Even if it seems boring and a waste of time, you are still interacting with the material you need to be learning. Use pick a prof, but don't swear by it. I have taken teachers that got horrible reviews and ended up being some of my favorite professors. A lot of times the fault lies with the student for not studying enough, and they like to blame it on the teacher. On the flip side, some professors are just not good (that is a rarity at OU however).
Kathryn from Norman, OK
Be sure you have everything in order before you move in on your first day.
Kacey from Wagoner, OK