Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS, USA


Mississippi State University


from Madison , MS

Current student

What tips can you share with prospective students?

If applicable register for the disability resource center. This can give you extra time on tests, but also allows you to pick your schedule earlier than other students which is so helpful.

How would you describe the dorm life at this school?

I loved my dorm. It was spacious and clean. There are only a few left with communal bathrooms the rest you have your own which is really nice.

How would you describe the food and dining options?

The best food plan is Greek. If you join Greek life you get better quality food and more variety. You also get more flex which allows you to eat at Chick-fil-A, subway, etc. Instead of the dining hall every day.


from Morton , MS

Current student

What qualities do you have that have best prepared you for success at this institution?

Outgoing, outspoken, and charismatic

How would you describe the dorm life at this school?

It’s okay, feel as if it can be better but some of the buildings are historical so I understand why they look the way they do

In what clubs or organiziations have you participated and how have they impacted your overall experience?

NAACP, this club shows students that we do come from different backgrounds but we can still work together & stop the hatred being spread

Marco from Mississippi State, MS

a current student here
23 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
This school involves so much more beyond the classroom. You learn not only what your intended major requires but you also learn valuable life skills. Furthermore, you learn to react with a variety of different people and races which will also help in life.
Am enjoying being here
Yes I absolutely love it here. The landscape is beautiful. The people are friendly. There is always something fun happening. The residence halls are very lovely even the old ones.
Bang for the buck
It is worth every penny to go to MSU. I believe that anyone could love it here, and it is very affordable.
Tips for prospective students
Definitely a good place for prospective students. There are people here with future job connections and Graduate student opportunities that shall be very helpful. Also there are various jobs on campus that can build your resume for the future.
Great for these types of students
If you love to learn and have fun at the same time. MSU is definitely for you. There is a place to fit in for everyone.

Tyler from Atlanta, GA

a current student here
10 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
MSU is a land grant institution that has an excellent Veterinary Medicine Program. A hidden gold mine as compared to other SEC (Southeastern Conference) schools that offer specified studies in Veterinary Medicine/Animal Science.
Am enjoying being here
Absolutely, I could not have chosen a better institution. For a public school this size, one would assume that you would get lost in the crowd however, that is not the case here at MSU!!!!
Bang for the buck
Tuition is a little steep for those out of state residents coming to this public university. I wish the cost were a lot less and did not include an out-of-state additional charge.
Tips for prospective students
Visit the school in your Junior/Senior year of high school. Note that the school is in Starkville, MS which is NOT a huge Metropolis. Research all available college options before coming to MSU, because once your here....We've Got You!!!!!
Great for these types of students
Students that love a large campus with a lot of open space, green grounds, loving/family atmosphere and wonderful extra-curricular options.

Janeth from Starkville, MS

a current student here
9 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The teachers are really good and friendly. But besides that, the information they give us helps us learn a lot. They provide us with needed materials that students later on use in their chosen careers. If a student does not understand something, he or she can always go to a teacher's office or a tutor provided by the university to receive more help and this helps the student learn a lot.
Am enjoying being here
MSU is in a small town so fun things to do is movies and a roller skating place. However, The campus life is really good. We have places to shop and other dining places besides the cafeteria in the Student's Union. The enjoyment part is the parties that are done by students/roommates and also during the football season, it feels great being in the stadium surrounded by students who shake their cowbells.
Bang for the buck
MSU is one of the cheapest colleges in the nations, even if a student comes from out of state or is a non-resident. You receive great information compared to other colleges and you pay less tuition compared to other colleges.
Tips for prospective students
Come to university to learn and not just to party. Remember what you are there for and you'll do great.
Great for these types of students
The university is great for students who like living in a small town, those who like being in a quiet and safe area, those who want to major in engineering (the university has one of the best teachers for this major), and for those who are determined to learn.

Emily from Cordova, TN

a current student here
8 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Mississippi State offers so many chances to learn in many different ways. They host eight colleges, alone, each carrying multiple schools and majors. Take a look for yourself: http://www.msstate.edu/web/colleges.php
The classes here really are great. Once you get past your core requirements and get to your major classes, it's a blast! The teachers are what make a lot of the classes interesting. They don't drone and make it fun to learn.
Am enjoying being here
Being at Mississippi State is quite relaxing to me. The campus is so beautiful it's hard to stay stressed when you walk outside. As an architecture student, I'm cooped-up in the arch. building all the time, but I all I have to do to relax is take a step outside.
Something I really love about this school is the sense of school pride you feel wherever you go. The people here love their school! It shows in everyone. Our sports are great, too! We aren't perfect, but I feel like we're on our way!
The dorms here are pretty nice no matter where you are. Yes, there are older ones and newer ones, but none that are completely horrible or falling apart!
So many people think there is nothing to do in Starkvegas, but really, something is always going on somewhere. You just have to be willing to look! There's a movie theater, bowling, awesome restaurants, shopping, and tons of stuff to do on campus! It really is a great place to be!
Bang for the buck
The facilities here are great! We have a huge gym that has so many activities all the time. There are free classes and some things you pay a small amount to do extra. They go climbing, hiking, white-water rafting, etc. You get this whole place FREE because you're a student. So take advantage of it! It deserves to be utilized!
The food here ain't so bad either. You have tons of places to choose from. There's the main cafeteria, which serves tons of different food every day. Then you have the Union, which has 5 or 6 different choices, along with a mini-market store. There are also several places around campus to eat.
State also has so many options for financial help. There are tons of scholarships; most aren't where most people look. Just apply early and every year. There are loans and grants available, too. Don't miss-out!
Tips for prospective students
PLEASE, apply early! For admission, scholarships, and housing especially, it really does make a difference.
Try your hardest to meet new people! It makes a huge impact on your experience in college. Finding the right people to hang-out with is so important to how well you do in school and in life.
Don't be afraid to be yourself. That's the best you could be!
Study, work hard, and don't give-up!!! Stay up late, but not too often. Sleep is very important.
ASK your teachers for help. Even if you think you understand, ask for clarification. If you don't feel comfortable asking them, ask a classmate.
Walk or ride your bike as many places as possible. I lost the freshman 15 instead of the opposite because I walked places. It makes you feel better, too. However, there is a bus for those late or rainy days!
FOCUS! I promise, it affects how well you do. No matter how smart you are, don't be surprised if you don't do as well as you did in high school. It's hard sometimes, but soo worth it!
Great for these types of students
Not just for southern, country folk.
Great for most people!
Architecture, forestry, veterinary, engineering, design, arts, sciences, business, math, agriculture, health, education, and so many more!

Amber from MS

a current student here
8 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I absolutely loved my first year at Mississippi State. The teachers are usually willing to help you when you need it. Word of advice: go to class and you'll do fine!
Am enjoying being here
I think our campus is one of the prettiest campuses I've ever been on. It really comes alive on football game days with all of the tents, food, and cowbells. Starkville is a pretty small town, but it still has lots of neat places to eat and little boutiques to shop at!
Bang for the buck
All of the public universities around this area are about the same price, but i definitely think im getting my money's worth here.
Tips for prospective students
Have fun, but keep focused!
Great for these types of students
MSU is a great place for any degree, but especially engineers or vets. If you want the whole fun college experience and great academics with a small town feel then State is the place for you.

Meredith from Old Hickory, TN

a current student here
5 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Mississippi State University offers a very wide variety of things to get involved in educationally and for pleasure. It is a large campus feel with a close knit community. You will always find help and support if you need it; I love it here at State!
Tips for prospective students
Get involved! It is most likely harder to get involved in college then it was in high school so find something of interest and put yourself out there. Be sure to also meet your dorm mates in the hall and always make time for studying. Studying-not cramming- is the key to a successful college career.
Academic Rigor
There are always people in every academic college here at State that will help you with what you need. The library offers a variety of things to help you with your academic journey and a helpful thing to do would be to get involved in a study group!
Dorm Life
Dorm life at Mississippi State University is great. There are three- and soon to be four- different kinds of dorms. There are the retro, renovated, and hotel style. The retro and the renovated are great for meeting people and having a close relationship with the people in your hall. The hotel style is more roomy-it even has a bathroom and shower!
Food and Dining
There are many food options at MSU. There are two cafeterias and a union with fast foods. There is a wide variety of options to chose from.
What to do for fun
Historic downtown Starkville is the place to be. However there are many things on campus to do as well. There are always events going on at the drill field and many musical artists come to perform. Football is an awesome event at MSU. Ring those cowbells!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Mississippi State is known for ringing cowbells at football games, but you have to be given a cowbell- don't buy your own or it is bad luck!
Great for these types of students
Anyone would find a place here at State.
Greek Life
Greek Life is a big part of Mississippi State but not the only part! you will feel just as included without being greek as you would if you were. However, the Greek life here is amazing and there are many fraternies and sororities to chose from to best suite you.
Campus Safety
There are always campus police around and if you ever feel uncomfortable, they will come escort you to where ever you would like to go.


a current student here
3 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Mississippi State is obviously a football campus, but it doesn't stop there. This campus has a big heart for its students, plenty of opportunities and the chance for a better jump start on your future. The faculty is very hands on and will help with any problem you may have, never be afraid to ask for help because it is their job and they love doing it. Just a bonus, most of them are really fun too and love to make jokes to help entertain when covering some dry material. MSU is so diverse in students, academics and just about anything, they don't just cater to one type of student but to everyone.
Tips for prospective students
Go to the events, it really isn't as cheesy as it seems, don't think you're too good for them. You can meet new people and make that 'first day' a whole lot easier on yourself. Go to class, the teachers are amazing and love a good joke, it is obvious they love their job. Most of the people are super friendly and love to talk to anyone!
Academic Rigor
The teachers love to break down the material into a way you will comprehend and relate to. They always answer your questions in the best way they can and will help in any way they can. They love to get to know their students and care about you, over the next few months you are going to want to be their best friend!
Dorm Life
There are so many different opportunities for dorm life, all based on your personal preferences. Big, small, private, open, apartment, hotel types and so much more. They will try and make you as comfortable as possible, they care about your medical problems and will help as much as they can.
Food and Dining
Whether you are on the run or just want to sit down and enjoy a good home cooked meal, MSU has plenty to offer. Inexpensive and always fresh, Mississippi State doesn't let you down in the food department.
What to do for fun
There is always something going on; club meetings, discussion groups, parties, study groups and so much more. Don't stay locked up in your room, go out meet new people see new things. It will be a day you will never forget.
Bang for the buck
If you do your work and stay on your path MSU loves to reward you for your hard work. There are so many scholarship options to help pay your tuition, and job opportunities to help you earn a little spending money.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
It is very bad luck to buy your own cowbell! A big NO NO. People love to meet at the Perry for breakfast, it's the best!
Great for these types of students
Ones who can keep their heads in their books and want to have a good time doing it. Ones who want to try more things and meet new people. MSU is for everybody!
Clubs and Activities
There are over 300 clubs, and if you don't see one you like you can always start your own! Easy as pie, all you need is a president and a name for your club.
Campus Safety
The cops on hand will walk you back to your dorm if it is too late, they are always a call away and come running if you need them! They are super nice and love saying good morning throughout campus! Plus the dogs are ADORABLE.

Nija from Greenwood, MS

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Mississippi State feels like home. There are plenty of ways to get involved and help is available to those that need it. The teachers ensure that the students are getting the necessary information needed to excel in the class and apply it to his/her career.
Tips for prospective students
My tip to prospective students is to apply for as many scholarships as possible and join at least one club once you get here. Also, parking is terrible so if you have a car, prepare yourself to be at least 30min-1Hr early for class just to get a good park; and if you don't have a car, that might actually be better for you since the shuttles run just about everywhere.
Academic Rigor
The engineering department is very challenging, yet rewarding. You must study and stay focused.
Dorm Life
I stayed in Cresswell (Community Showers, Co-Ed) and it was very clean. Pick a roommate with similar study habits as yours and decorate your space so that it is inviting and comfortable.
Food and Dining
The Perry has good quality food. Everyone loves Fried Chicken Wednesday. We also have a food court in the union and there is a brand new cafeteria on campus.
What to do for fun
Join clubs and organizations. There is always something going on around campus and the night life isn't too bad either.
Bang for the buck
Even after you are accepted, each department offers scholarships that you might be eligible for. So if you do not get a full academic or athletic scholarship, keep yourself updated with your department because they usually receive sponsorship and funding as well.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Get a cowbell decorate your cowbell, and continue to pass it down from generation to generation.
Great for these types of students
Mississippi State University is great for students interested in Engineering or any technical field. Though they offer several different majors, the Engineering department is widely known for their abundant resources and co-op/internship programs.
Greek Life
Before you go Greek, make sure your GPA is at least a 3.0 or above. Joining a Greek organization can be time consuming so prioritize and don't slack on your school work.
Campus Safety
The campus is very safe. If you are a Freshman, take a few days before classes start to familiarize yourself with the campus and the buildings most of your classes will be in.

Kelsey from Grenada, MS

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Mississippi State Univeristy is the most amazing campus I have ever been too. The education I am recieving here is greatly preparing me to continue on the path of acheiving my career goals, and the atmosphere here is remarkable. Mississippi State exemplifies both fine education and fine Southern hospitality.
Tips for prospective students
Be dilligent with your work, and do not slack off or become lazy. Mississippi State professors hold extremely high standards for their students, and hard work truely does pay off!
Academic Rigor
The academic challenges I endure at Mississippi State Universisty ensure that my education is always growing. In no class have I ever felt that I was not being challenged or recieving an adequate education.
Dorm Life
Dorm life at Mississippi State Univeristy is remarkable. The dorms are cozy, comfortable, and campus buildings are easily accessible from them. I have thoroughly enjoyed my dorm experience.
Food and Dining
Mississippi State University's dining experience is absolutely amazing. With what we call Flex Dollars every student with a meal plan is awarded a certain amount of money to use in the Union, where there are several popular restaurants. On the other hand, The Perry- the cafeteria also has many options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and there are guaranteed to be choices to suit everyone's preferences.
What to do for fun
There are many things to do for fun at Mississippi State University. There are many clubs and organizations to join. Along with those, MSU's Greek life is an amazing way to get involved on campus and attend fun functions with friends!
Greek Life
As a part of MSU's Greek life, I must say that it is an amazing way to get involved on campus and meet tons of new people!

Rushil from Greenwood, MS

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
Academic Rigor
Mississippi State has a LOT to offer: I know a lot of colleges do too, but what makes MSU different from the rest is the great environment of friendly people and staff. They are sooo awesome, especially the folks here because they'll make you feel like you're at home.
I'm not even kidding, it's amazing here because I have a bunch of friends who have gone to other universities for college visits and said that people over there aren't as friendly which is why they picked MSU.
I'm a sophmore at MSU but I'm learning so much about the campus activities, involvement on my campus and even in my community - man it's great.

Totally recommend this for anyone
Am enjoying being here
Like I said above, it's amazing being here. It definitely is worth going here because I am a pre-med student wanting to go to UMMC (University of Mississippi Medical Center) and I think I have a good chance of getting there because of MSU.
I LOVE it here: 1) because most of my friends go here from high school, 2) because I have a bunch of friends ALL over the country including people from Washington, Pennsylvania, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, California, Wisconsin and EVEN people from all over the world like Japan, Korea, India, Iran, Australia, etc.

So if you don't think you will fit in, well think again.....I promise there's a place for everyone here on campus
Tips for prospective students
The only tips I would suggest to incoming freshmen is apply as early as possible for school AND for classes. If you already have friends at MSU that know the same classes that you are about to take, then ask them for the right teachers.
Get involved as much as you can your freshmen year because after that, it'll be really hard to get involved because the classes get harder and harder after your freshmen year!!
Great for these types of students
JUST COME TO MSU! I mean if you spent all this time reading down to this section, obviously you're interested haha. No for real, it's totally awesome here, I love it