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Your College Visit Checklist

Your College Visit Checklist

School breaks were made for rest, relaxation and college visits? There’s a reason every time you check social media lately you’re inundated with photos of your friends on gorgeous college campuses. Most juniors and seniors are taking advantage of their breaks to visit their dream schools, and you should too!

No matter if you decide to take an organized tour or head out on your own, it’s important to know what to look out for and what questions to ask while you’re on campus. Here’s our handy college visit checklist:



Visit the library

  • What do you think of the resources?
  • Are librarians there throughout the year to help students find what they need?
  • Are there designated quiet sections in case you need a silent place to study?

Eat in the cafeteria

  • How’s the food selection?
  • If you have dietary restrictions, can the cafeteria accommodate them?
  • What are the meal plans like?

Tour the campus

  • How big is it?
  • Do you feel safe?
  • Are the classroom buildings up-to-date?

Check out the dorms

  • What are living arrangements like?
  • Can you choose your own roommate if you’d like?
  • How far are the residence halls from your classes, transportation, and the cafeteria?

Head to the rec center

  • Are the facilities in line with what you expect?
  • Can you see yourself having a good time with friends here?

Sit in on a class

  • Is the course taught by a professor or a teaching assistant?
  • How does the class size compare to what you expected?
  • Are students encouraged to participate in discussions?


The admissions counselor

  • How do my qualifications stack up against other applicants’?
  • What types of financial aid are available? How do I qualify?
  • Will my Advanced Placement credits be accepted?
  • Does the average student graduate in four years?
  • What are some popular clubs or activities?

Your tour guide or a student on campus

  • Why did you choose this school?
  • What’s on-campus life like? What do people do for fun? On the weekends?
  • Is it difficult to get into popular or required classes?
  • What’s your favorite thing about this college? Your least favorite?
  • Are you satisfied with the education you’re getting?
  • Is it easy to get to know new people?
  • What’s a typical day like?

Based on your preferences, there are definitely other things you should check out – if you’re an athlete, chances are you’ll want to chat with some coaches or check out a stadium. If you’re into journalism, you may want to grab a copy of the school paper or talk to some contributing writers.

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