Lake Superior State University


Lake Superior State University


from Reed City, MI

Current student

How are you enjoying your time at this college?

My time in this college has been thoroughly enjoying. There's a great variety of clubs and activities to participate in, and the professors and students feel welcoming and helpful.

How would you describe the dorm life at this school?

Life in the Row Houses (LLC's) is excellent. You get to be around people who share your major, making for an excellent resource for help. Everybody there is welcoming and friendly. The rooms are spacious and comfortable, even though you must do your own cleaning and housework.

How would you describe the food and dining options?

The food in the Quarterdeck (main dining hall) is fine. It's not usually particularly good, but it'll get you through the day just fine. The Galley is better, but being grill type food, it's too greasy to eat all of the time.

In your experience, what is there to do for fun at this college?

The clubs and activities are broad and diverse, so you'll find something. The hockey games are especially fun.

In what clubs or organiziations have you participated and how have they impacted your overall experience?

I've mostly participated in engineering type clubs as well as the Pep Band, and while they tend to be on the smaller side, they are all welcoming and fun.

Are there any quirky or unique traditions that make your college special?

This would include the Snowman Burning, Unicorn Hunters, and Banished Words List.

How has your college supported your career development and future goals?

With a large career fair and frequent and easily accessible career services, they try to make getting a job as easy as possible. The career fair is mostly engineering focused, though.

Jane from Grand Rapids, MI

a current student here
11 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The professors at this university really take interest in who you are and in what you hope to accomplish at Lake State. It seems as though they acknowledge their role as a TEACHer and genuinely want to do their job.
Am enjoying being here
Sault Ste Marie is a lovely place to be. I love that when I am wearing Laker apparel throughout the city, random community members will stike up a conversation with you and you will end up talking for an hour. On campus, upperclassmen are extremely helpful and kind. Students in my class are equally kind and wonderful. People are really easy to get along with. From massive snowball fights on Brady lawn to a game of Apples to Apples in Osborn lobby to Laker hockey games in the arena, there is always something to do if you look hard enough.
Bang for the buck
There are a lot of fun and good things at Lake State. You learn a lot. My experience, knowledge, and time spent here has been priceless and memorable.
Tips for prospective students
Come on up for a visit. You'll love the UP! It is so beautiful. However, if you cannot handle the cold, maybe this school is not right for you.
Great for these types of students
Lake State is surrounded by wildreness. It is great or the outdoorsy type. If you are laid back and love being outside, you will fit in fine. There are several differnt types of people here, but you wouldn't be hard pressed to find a guy with a neon orange hat and a camo coat on.