Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Non Traditional Learning
- Online Classes
- Online Undergrad Degrees
- Summer Sessions
- Combined Institution Double Degree Programs
- Some Programs Requires Co-Op/Internship
Learning Options
- Study Abroad
- Honors Program
- Teacher Certification Offered
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1
Classroom Sizes
Graduate in 4 Years
US National: 28%
Graduate in 6 Years
US National: 52%
Faculty Overview
What Students Are Saying
The classes are very small meaning the student to teacher ratio is a lot smaller than any other school. with the classes being to small this gives you more of an opportunity to get that one on one time with your teacher.
Karly from Salisbury, MD
it depends on the classes and the teachers, but its all very academically challenging depending on what your major is
Alexandra from Wayne, PA
I thing that every academic program has goals and requirements that are reasonable. I have never been challenged this way until I became apart of Chestnut Hill. I can do hard tasks or assignments on my own without being confused. Chestnut Hill pushes their students to be independent and focus on our work.
Brianna from Philadelphia, PA
Teachers helped me out tremendously.
Briana from Roslyn, PA
There are some difficult classes and some easier classes. If you do your homework, attend class and study you will have no problem passing the class. Professors can see if a student is really applying themselves or not and will help you out the best they can if they see a good attempt.