Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Non Traditional Learning
- Online Classes
- Online Undergrad Degrees
- Summer Sessions
- Some Programs Requires Co-Op/Internship
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1
Classroom Sizes
Faculty Overview
What Students Are Saying
The teachers really care, but we, as students, have to show forth the effort as well.
Jenha from Sebring, FL
At South Florida State College it is so easy to focus on your academics because there are simply no other distractions. Avon Park is a small town in which there are not many things to do and therefor you will find yourself completing your assignments on time and even getting additional help from professors if needed. The classes may be challenging but it is all certainly possible.
Amaia from Avon Park, FL