Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Learning Options
- Study Abroad
- Teacher Certification Offered
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1
Classroom Sizes
Graduate in 4 Years
US National: 28%
Graduate in 6 Years
US National: 52%
Faculty Overview
What Students Are Saying
Many might assume that Hampshire's evaluation and final project--as opposed to letter-grade assessment and final examination--process might lead to students slacking in classes because of the different structure and �lack� of assessment, but--and this I say from personal experience--this process has generally shown to actually give greater incentive for students enrolled in said classes, because their evaluations are more in depth and portray more of the specific accomplishments and shortcomings displayed throughout the course and because the final project provides a much more substantial method of retrospection on the semester's work than any test or letter grade could do. Of course, it also depends widely on the motivation of the student in these classes and the learning styles with which they are most comfortable. In addition, Hampshire's course work is reading and writing intensive to a degree that I have not seen in any other college so far. Perhaps most importantly, Hampshire's radical political stance will provide a challenging take on world issues that will cause its students to reflect on their own beliefs and rethink the hegemonic narrative carried through widely by the mainstream public educational system. Certainly there are plenty of institutions like it, but this shimmer deserves to be recognized as a challenge to the mass zombification effect of modern media, the single mindedness an educational system whose textbooks are written by corporations. And as if this was not enough, the college's participation in the area's five college consortium provides a space for students to explore 4 other pedagogical methodologies and philosophies, all of which include within them the own takes on education of each of these schools' professors and instructors. Hampshire's divisional system is also extremely worthy of notice, for it is, I would say, unorthodox and revolutionary. During their first year, students must take four requirement courses ...
This is largely up to the student. Getting evaluations instead of quantitative grades makes me personally want to try and do better, there is no limit to my growth. But it is also possible to just skate by and take 'easy' courses and do the minimal work load. Student designed tracks means you have to know yourself and the level of work you can/will do.
Sakiya from Saint Louis, MO
Just because we have no grades and no tests doesn't make this an easy school. The courses are in depth. Be prepared to experience a new way of teaching. For example, when you learn about art, you don't only learn about art. You learn the history, the math, the science, the politics. This is not your average college. However, the understanding you return with is far superior than memorizing a text book.
David from East Windsor, CT
Classes are rigorous, you have a core team of advisors, you get constant feedback and instead of grades you are assessed through narrative and critical analysis.
Kahari from Springfield, MA
You must be prepared to work hard on your own at Hampshire. This school is very reading, writing, and discussion based. It is important to stay on top of your work to get the most out of what you are learning as well as to receive a good evaluation from your professors.
Erin from Chicago, IL
This academic structure here forces students to be creative and to think out side the box.
George from New York, NY
The relative lack of structure in Hampshire's academic philosophy makes it harder, not easier, at least for me. It is certainly different and will challenge you in ways you were probably not challenged in high school.
Nate from Washington, D.C.
You will have to learn because you love to learn, as opposed to learning for a grade.
Joshua from Huntington Woods, MI
classes at hampshire are great in my opinion. many of them are very focused and detailed which helps the student become very familiar with one thing instead of being slightly familiar with multiple. faculty and teaching assitants are very good to talk to and meet with as long as the students ask questions are attend those meetings.
Urantia from Brooklyn, NY