The Arnold Newman Scholarship

Maine Media Workshops + College

Recognized as the “Father of Environmental Portraiture” and acknowledged as one of the great masters of photography in the 20th century, Arnold Newman shared his wealth of experience as a teacher at the Workshops for over 30 years. The Arnold and Augusta Newman Foundation has established an endowment at Maine Media College and Workshops to provide scholarships to students. Application is by evidence of financial need as demonstrated on the application form, accompanied by latest tax return and 3 letters of recommendation as well as portfolio/reel submission. The tuition award will be made to a deserving student who demonstrates outstanding ability and some financial need. Materials must be sent electronically to: [email protected].

Materials must be sent electronically to: [email protected] No deadline. Funds available until awarded.. Portfolios/reels must be placed online for viewing.

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Deadline Rolling Deadline
Number of Awards Granted1

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Eligibility Requirements

Financial Need Required