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MCWT GET IT Girl 4 Year College Scholarship

Michigan Council of Women in Technology

MCWT Foundation is offering scholarship opportunities for technology-focused high school seniors, GET-IT club high school seniors, and women who will be enrolled full-time in college-level courses for the 2019-2020 academic year at a Michigan college or university.

Most scholarships are $2,500 - $5,000 per year, potentially renewable (up to three years or graduation). GET-IT (Girls Exploring Together – Information Technology) club applicants must be a member of an MCWT Foundation GET IT high school program

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$1,000 - $5,000
Acceptance StartOctober 1, 2024
Deadline January 31, 2025
Frequency3 years
Number of Awards Granted5

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Eligibility Requirements

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Eligible Majors